And now for some preggo stats and updates...
As I said I am 19 weeks now. The baby is about 8.6 ounces and measures about 6 inches from head to butt. I've heard that soon we will get to have measurements from head to foot, but since the bean is still so curled up, its too hard to measure how long the legs are.
The biggest news this week is that I have started to feel our little bean moving and kicking! It's the coolest feeling (slightly weird to begin with, not gonna lie...but very cool). At first I wasn't sure if that's really what I was feeling, but now I know. For me, it feels like a very quick muscle spasm in my belly just under my belly button every time the bean kicks. I never really felt the whole "flutters/bubbles" movement stage. This little baby went straight for the kicking and much like daddy it seems :) It was so strong Monday night, that even John could feel it when he put his hand on my belly. It was so great to see his eyes get super wide and a huge smile spread across his face :) I think we have quite the active little bean on our hands.
As far as eating and sickness, I'm feeling very normal. I haven't gotten sick in a while which is a plus, and I'm eating normal food. I definitely can't eat as much in one sitting as I used to, but it all works out. I haven't had any real cravings (not that I consider cravings at least).
I'm not sure what my overall weight gain has been to this point. I will probably find out at our 21 week appointment. So I will be sure to post again. Next Wednesday (Nov 7th) is the ultrasound where we get to find out the gender! I'm so excited I can't even explain it :-D I can't wait to start saying he or she :)
That's about it for now. I won't be posting the gender right after we find out because we are going to tell the Indiana family in person which won't be for another couple of weeks. But after that, I will have a gender post! Until then, here is our Happy Halloween Bump!
So exciting to know that you are feeling movement now!!! Would love to have seen John's eyes! Ah, the wonder and miracle of life!
ReplyDeleteThink it's great you wore orange for your Halloween post.....hehehe.