Our little bean turned 1 month old on April 28th, 2013. And he had a weekend of firsts! According to the pediatrician, 4 weeks old was a good time to start trying some different things, so try them we did.
During this 1 month milestone weekend, Luke had his first (of many) pacifiers:
Took his first bottle from Daddy:
And slept in his crib over night which I don't have a picture of unfortunately. I think that night was harder on me than it was on him! I spent most of the night awake watching our video monitor.
At 1 month old Luke weighs around 11 pounds. He is losing his newborn hair and new hair is coming in lighter. His eyes are still bright blue (crossing our fingers they stay this way!) and he is able to lift his head and hold it on his own for a little while. He is starting to enjoy wiggle time more and he is definitely a man on the move. Luke enjoys walks with mommy and sleeping while being held for naps. He is also starting to enjoy bath time more :)
yay, an update!!!! cant wait to meet you sweet Luke!